This is my journey to become a healthier me. It began on January 26, 2010 and stalled out... I got a type 2 diabetes diagnosis on March 30, 2022 and started to focus on my health again. On November 8, 2022 I added Ozempic to my toolbox to help me shed some pounds and inches!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Little Extra Motivation

Well, after my huge loss last week, it wasn't too much of a surprise to have a very small one this week, but it was still disappointing. I lost 0.8lbs. I still have 5lbs to lose to get back to my pre-cruise weight- hopefully they will come off quickly! I really want to see my 80lb bear in my January box!

And to that end, I decided it's time to get back in high gear to make up for all this wasted time.

Starting today, I'm doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I was given the DVD as a Christmas present and I'm a little nervous because I've read the reviews that says it really kicks your butt, but maybe that's just what I need right now. So over the next 30 days, I'll be sharing my thoughts on this exercise program.

To give myself even more motivation, a friend and I started another 6 week challenge. There's nothing like a little healthy competition (bad pun intended!) to spur you on! No matter where you are in your weight loss journey, why don't you join us? Feel free to post your starting weight here and track weekly on my posts(if you like) or just keep records yourself and see how you do. Give yourself a non food reward if you beat me :) And be sure to tell me about it- that will definitely make me work harder!

By the way, you may have an easier time reaching your weight loss goals if you check out the Sensa weight loss system. Read these Sensa reviews to find out more about it!


    Following your blog!
    Please follow back!
    If you could follow me on Facebook, that would be great!
    The Dad!

  2. I am in! Let's do this! My starting weight for our 6 week Challenge is 212. I am a slow loser but I promise I am going to do everything in my power to kick your butt!!!! Non-food reward: Sugar-free coconut syrup. Oh, wait, that is food. Okay, reward to me if I lose 6 pounds: book. Reward if I lose 10 or more pounds: mani/pedi!!!!

  3. Previous comment was by Rebecca...was signed in as my son...der!

  4. I'm a new follower from Mingle Monday. I would love it if you'd follow me back too!

    Good luck with your weight loss. :) I'll have to check back and see if you post how the Jillian Michaels workout DVD is for you. I have a feeling I'd be collapsed on the floor crying if I even attempted to do it. :)

  5. Hi I saw your post on JM..I would love to join this!! I will post my weight tomorrow!!

  6. I'm in!!! And jillian michaels 30day shred is tough but do able!!! ;) you can do it girl!!!

  7. Following:) Congrats on your weight loss success so far:)

  8. Just started back on the WW points plus program after a month off! I've been successful so far loosing 30 lbs and want another 20 off to reach pre 3 babies ago! Good luck with your journey! Following from FLOB's and comment love! Hope you can return the favour

  9. Awesome motivation! Thanks for that. I need it, trying to lose the baby weight after my third baby. UGH! And that video is very good!! I'll look forward to reading your posts as I am following you now.
    Thanks for linking up on my Sunday blog hop.

  10. Monday morning weigh-in Week 1: 149.5 lbs
    Let's do this lovely people I have 14 more to go! :)

  11. Good luck! Jillian scares the crap out of me!

    Now following from

    We list all of the baby daily deals in real-time. Would love a follow back!

  12. Hi, I'm following you back. This video definitely does kick your butt but in a great way! Stop by and add your blog to the Blogging Hints directory.

  13. Ok, I hve a question on your opinion about this DVD. I don't really have that much weight to lose (I weigh 106) but I need to be toned a little. All my weight is fat - I have NO muscle. Will this DVD tone me or should I find a different one? Thanks!!

  14. Keli, Wow- if you weigh 106 you don't need to lose a thing!

    Yes, I would say this DVD is good for toning but I would consider maybe focusing on strength training since you don't want to lose weight but instead tone and build muscle. I definitely don't claim to be an expert on exercise so I don't want to give you bad advice. Perhaps a personal trainer can make some recommendations for you? Not that you need to hire one but you could speak to someone at a gym about your personal situation and listen to their suggestions.
