Well, this week has gotten away from me a little bit. The grief rollercoaster is not a fun ride. I meant to be writing more but just haven't gotten to it. I do have a partially written post about Creami recipes I've been playing with and when I get a couple more, I'll definitely share them. It's been a fun toy to distract me and can also make delicious and healthy desserts!
I've still got a ways to go before I'm back to my pre-grief trauma weight, but I'm doing my best. I'm glad to see that between getting my butt back to F45, back on track with my calorie counting, and upping my dose to 1mg, that the scale has been cooperating. I hope it continues to do so because I still haven't given up on my HealthyWager, although the timing is getting very tight now. I had no idea that this past year was going to be such a disaster, obviously, or I wouldn't even have considered placing a wager. But I think the fact that I haven't given up yet and I'm not completely out of it is a really positive sign. Life might be really hard and I'm struggling, but I'm trying equally hard not to quit on myself. Depression really can be a slippery slope and I don't want to regain all this weight again. That's not the legacy that my loved ones would have wanted to leave me with. So one day at a time, I'm just doing the best that I can.
My Nutrisystem order arrived yesterday! I forgot how much space it can take up in the freezer but I think it'll be nice to have it for a while. I wouldn't want to be on this plan long term especially at full price, and it seems a lot of their rules have changed, but I do like several of the foods. I don't like that you can't just buy what you want a la carte anymore, or even that they don't allow you to add whatever you want to your monthly order- you can pick from the full menu for your monthly meals, but if you want to add more than that there's only a small menu to choose from. I have no idea why or how that makes sense, since I wanted to order extra pepperoni pizza melts, but apparently that isn't possible without buying an Advantage membership where you pay $69 for six months for the privilege of being able to order a la carte. If you're in the US I think you get a shipping discount but that doesn't help Canadians. That being said? At least I can order at all, so there's a plus.
I'm curious to see how else they've modified the actual plan since the last time I ordered. It looks like now they're actually calculating individual calories, which I found interesting, and considerably higher than they were before. Last time, the women's plan was 1100-1400 calories if you had less than 100lbs to lose (add 200 calories if you were very active) and 1500-1700 if you had more than 100lbs to lose. The Numi app is showing 1834 for me, which seems a lot more reasonable and closer to what I've been consuming given the amount of exercise I'm doing at the gym. I don't plan to follow their program exactly but it's a good general guideline! Here is the plan it's given me:
Breakfast: 1 breakfast NS entree, 2 protein servings, 1 low GI carb serving
Morning snack: 1 protein serving, 1 low GI carb serving
Lunch: 1 lunch NS entree, 1 protein serving, 1 low GI carb serving
Afternoon snack: 1 protein serving, 1 low GI carb serving
Dinner: 1 dinner NS entree, 1 protein serving
Dessert: 1 snack NS entree
I can also have up to 3 "extras" a day (up to 35 calories each, so stuff like salad dressing, oil etc) and unlimited free foods (less than 10 calories per serving, stuff like spices and condiments). If you're curious, breakfast, lunch, and snack entrees all are composed of one protein serving and one low GI carb serving, and dinner entrees have one additional protein serving.
Even while not following their program, I have tried to subscribe to this method of spacing out smaller meals. I find with the Ozempic that my stomach is much happier when I eat small meals more frequently. It helps my body learn to be satisfied with smaller portions and also keeps my blood sugars level.
For now, I'm probably just using the NS foods to manage meals where there is nothing planned and I don't have the mental and emotional energy to figure out what I want to eat. Just being able to grab something will make my life a lot easier, I think. Plus- I really like those pepperoni melts and I would totally just buy those if they'd let me! I can't find a comparable substitute being sold anywhere, sadly.
So, onwards. Continuing taking steps forward the best I can, and hopefully the scale continues to cooperate so I can win that prize!