This is my journey to become a healthier me. It began on January 26, 2010 and stalled out... I got a type 2 diabetes diagnosis on March 30, 2022 and started to focus on my health again. On November 8, 2022 I added Ozempic to my toolbox to help me shed some pounds and inches!

Monday, August 12, 2024

Week 92 Weigh In!

 I was pretty much expecting a rebound gain after losing so much last week and I was really pleased to see how small it was! At least it signifies that I'm back heading in the right direction again.

I've been focusing on counting calories again and paying attention to my macros this week. I'm not sure though if I had side effects cropping up at this point or if I've been a bit under the weather, but I was extra fatigued and nauseous, which made it difficult for me to go to F45. I didn't want to make anyone else sick if I was contagious so I mostly stayed home and just went for a couple of walks to get some movement in.

Lately I've also had some issues with what may be the sulphur burps I've read some people experience? In all my time on Ozempic I've never had any, but this past week I've had the tight and bloated feeling in my stomach and I feel relieved when I burp. That being said, it doesn't taste like sulphur so maybe it was just a random sort of thing. I feel like it would be odd to get a brand new side effect at 92 weeks with no dose change, but I suppose stranger things have happened! I wanted to document it anyway in case it is helpful to me or someone else down the road.

However, I already went to the gym today, so that's checked off my list! It was a weights day and it was good to be back. I still don't love it but my body does, and at this point in my life, my body wins out over me being lazy!

I need to focus the next couple of months since I know I'm going to indulge during the holidays and birthday season, and my gym attendance might be spottier with the terrible weather. My HealthyWager comes due in April, and I need to win that money! I have 18lbs left to lose which doesn't sound like much, but given that I have another family member whose health is on the decline and the holidays coming, I want to stay focused so that when I have struggles it won't cost me too much time.

Keeping my dose at 0.85mg since it seems to be working well! I'll save that last bump to 1mg for later- hopefully when I get much closer to goal. My wager pays off at 129.8 lbs lost, my ticker here is set for 135.2 lbs lost, and I'm wondering if I'll want to lose a little bit more when all is said and done. I've never had muscle on my body before though, so I have no idea how it will affect my size and weight as I get smaller. My trainer tells me not to focus on the scale because I might end up heavier than I think I should be if I keep training hard. So for now, I'm just playing it by ear and I'll see what works out. I have to get low enough to win the wager- everything else, we'll see what weight my body likes and if it makes sense to keep trying to lose weight or to focus on muscular and strength gains. One day at a time!

OZ Week 53 gain: 1.4 lbs continuing dose at 0.75mg
OZ Week 55 gain: 1.6 lbs
OZ Week 56 loss: 0.6 lbs
OZ Week 57 loss: 2.0 lbs
OZ Week 58 loss: 2.4 lbs
OZ Week 61 gain: 5.4 lbs
OZ Week 62 loss: 1.4 lbs
OZ Week 63 loss: 3.0 lbs
OZ Week 64 loss: 1.0 lb
OZ Week 65 loss: 0.4 lbs
OZ Week 66 loss: 1.8 lbs
OZ Week 67 loss: 0 lbs
OZ Week 68 loss: 1.4 lbs
OZ Week 69 gain: 0.2 lbs
OZ Week 70 gain: 2.2 lbs
OZ Week 71 loss: 2.4 lbs
OZ Week 72 loss: 2.2 lbs
OZ Week 73 loss: 2.2 lbs
OZ Week 74 loss: 1.0 lb
OZ Week 75 loss: 0.8 lb
OS Week 76 gain: 1.4 lbs
OZ Week 77 loss: 5.0 lbs
OZ Week 78 gain: 0.4 lbs
OZ Week 79 loss: 4.0 lbs
OZ Week 80-87: on hiatus due to grief
OZ Week 88 gain: 9.4 lbs
OZ Week 89 loss: 0.4 lbs raised dose to 0.85mg
OZ Week 90 loss: 1.8 lbs
OZ Week 91 loss: 5.2 lbs
OZ Week 92 gain: 0.6 lbs

Total loss on Ozempic so far: 84.4 lbs

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