This is my journey to become a healthier me. It began on January 26, 2010 and stalled out... I got a type 2 diabetes diagnosis on March 30, 2022 and started to focus on my health again. On November 8, 2022 I added Ozempic to my toolbox to help me shed some pounds and inches!

Monday, September 16, 2024

Week 97 Weigh In

 This week has been very bizarre in terms of the scale. For that matter, the fluctuations over both the last two weeks have been odd, and I really have no idea why. I knew that I weighed in last week on the highest day of the week, so I was expecting a bigger drop this week. That being said, I was nearly an additional 3lbs lighter on Saturday morning, so that's some really extreme fluctuation to see over a single week. My weight has been up and down nearly six pounds! At least some stayed off for my Monday morning weigh in though or I'd have been really disappointed. I can't complain about a 3lb loss even if I'm wondering what happened to put the rest back on.

I do hope it's not muscle tissue leaving already. With being this sick I haven't been able to go to the gym for a full week. I miss it but I'm not only exhausted but also contagious, so going would not be a kind thing to do. For that matter, I'm still too tired to do a Walk at Home workout in my living room, so contemplating going to F45 isn't happening.

This year really has been a struggle in so many ways, and I am still losing weight and trying my best to get healthier. If it's not at the rate I would like, at least I'm still moving in the right direction. I didn't even get to make it to maintenance before life gave me one of those big kicks intended to knock me down again. And it sure has knocked me down, but I'm trying not to let it take everything from me. I don't want to regain all my weight and get sicker again before I've even had a chance to see where this path is taking me. No- not where the path is taking me- the path I'm building for myself. This work isn't passive; if I'm not actively engaging in my health, it's not going anywhere. There are so many aspects of my life now where I have little to no control. But I do have control over how I'm treating myself.

Going to the gym makes me feel like I'm actively choosing to prioritize myself. It feels like even though what I'm doing is hard, I get acknowledgement for choosing to do the hard thing. I get to see visible results for the work I'm doing (hello pectoral muscles, I didn't know you existed on me!). There aren't many places in my life where I get to see progress or results for what I'm doing. Most of the things I do are things that have to be done over and over daily or weekly- you only notice them if they aren't done. It's nice to have a place in my life where it feels like what I do matters and to have people cheering me on.

Being sick sucks. Hopefully I'll start feeling better soon so that I can book in. Phase 10 starts today and I'm interested in what they have posted so far!

OZ Week 53 gain: 1.4 lbs continuing dose at 0.75mg
OZ Week 55 gain: 1.6 lbs
OZ Week 56 loss: 0.6 lbs
OZ Week 57 loss: 2.0 lbs
OZ Week 58 loss: 2.4 lbs
OZ Week 61 gain: 5.4 lbs
OZ Week 62 loss: 1.4 lbs
OZ Week 63 loss: 3.0 lbs
OZ Week 64 loss: 1.0 lb
OZ Week 65 loss: 0.4 lbs
OZ Week 66 loss: 1.8 lbs
OZ Week 67 loss: 0 lbs
OZ Week 68 loss: 1.4 lbs
OZ Week 69 gain: 0.2 lbs
OZ Week 70 gain: 2.2 lbs
OZ Week 71 loss: 2.4 lbs
OZ Week 72 loss: 2.2 lbs
OZ Week 73 loss: 2.2 lbs
OZ Week 74 loss: 1.0 lb
OZ Week 75 loss: 0.8 lb
OS Week 76 gain: 1.4 lbs
OZ Week 77 loss: 5.0 lbs
OZ Week 78 gain: 0.4 lbs
OZ Week 79 loss: 4.0 lbs
OZ Week 80-87: on hiatus due to grief
OZ Week 88 gain: 9.4 lbs
OZ Week 89 loss: 0.4 lbs raised dose to 0.85mg
OZ Week 90 loss: 1.8 lbs
OZ Week 91 loss: 5.2 lbs
OZ Week 92 gain: 0.6 lbs
OZ Week 93: no weigh in
OZ Week 94: gain: 2.2 lbs
OZ Week 95 loss: 1.0 lb
OZ Week 96 loss: 0.2 lb
OZ Week 97 loss: 3 lbs

Total loss on Ozempic so far: 86.4 lbs

Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Importance of Protein

 I wanted to reiterate this point because even though we all know how important protein is as a macronutrient (obviously not to the exclusion of others, in my opinion), it can be easy to forget even when you're years into your weight loss journey.

I'm sick, and I have been for a few days now. I had bought some lovely cinnamon raisin bread to make into French toast with egg whites, which is a breakfast I eat fairly regularly, and it still winds up having about 20g of protein. Yesterday morning I was exhausted and not up to actually cooking but I wanted to eat the nice fresh bread so I decided to just make myself a couple of slices of toast with honey, which would actually have fewer calories than my usual French toast.

Well wouldn't you know, less than half an hour after eating my toast, I was absolutely starving again. Hungry like I had never eaten at all. This simply hasn't happened in ages because even my sweet and carb heavy breakfasts like pancakes also come with quite a bit of protein and that keeps me satiated. Apparently my body has gotten used to that and it wasn't happy to have such an insubstantial meal. It's not just the Ozempic keeping me full at this point; it's the protein, too.

This is why I strive to have protein in every meal if I can, even my late night snack, although it has seemed to be of least importance there. If I'm having a sweet treat it doesn't tend to make me hungry later on, but that might be because I've probably consumed more protein earlier in the day freeing up room in my budget for a piece of chocolate or a cookie or something like that. Apparently my body agrees that breakfast is an important meal and does need to be balanced properly for my needs.

So, this morning I'm tucking into cinnamon raisin French toast made with egg whites, with 25.6g of protein. Delicious, very similar to yesterday's breakfast, but I'm not going to be hungry thirty minutes later.

There's nothing wrong with carbs and fat. Personally, I think that cutting out a whole macronutrient isn't the healthiest way to live, unless it's been specifically recommended for you by a medical professional. I don't even think there is anything wrong with sugar in moderation, and I'm a type 2 diabetic (in remission as of my bloodwork in July!!) But at least for me, keeping balanced with a good amount of protein in the morning works best to keep me satiated and having energy for my day.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Week 96 Weigh In

 Ok, so this week was a little crushing. I worked out on 5 days and I worked out hard! Even felt some of my strength coming back a little bit like it was before. I was also getting on the scale a few times during the week to check if things were moving in the right direction and I was so happy- it looked like it was going to be a big week. I felt positive; like maybe my body was starting to respond to the exercise again like it should.

Then, I got on the scale this morning for my regular weigh in day.

So I know it's just one moment in time and tomorrow I could be back down again but it really sucks to post a 0.2lb loss when just a couple of days ago it was nearly 3lbs, and I have been within my calorie deficit AND working out.

But there isn't much I can do about it other than keep plugging away. I don't want to raise my dose if my body is in the process of adjusting back to the intense level of exercise, and I certainly don't think I should be cutting calories when I've put on some visible muscle in the last few weeks. I have never seen myself with pectorals before and it's a bit of a surprise when I look in the mirror; I didn't think that was the kind of muscle that would be visible without being bulky but it's surprisingly okay! At any rate, I don't want to stop building muscle and I need energy to work out, so I'm going to stick with my ~1700 calories. I hope I don't need to use my plateau breaking tricks anytime soon because it would be frustrating to have this be a sticking point when the scale was just starting to drop well before the grief, and that would feel like adding insult to injury to have it derail me long term. Again though, there's only so much of this that's within my control; sometimes you just have to go along for the ride.

Instead, I will celebrate some NSVs. In the past week, I did a Romanian deadlift with heavier weights than I've ever used before (15kg on each side plus the weight of the bar) and I did 6 sets of a push press working up to a barbell that was 8.75kg on each side plus the weight of the bar. I tend to have trouble with the overhead presses and find them more difficult, so I was proud by how much I lifted for that day! I'm still not back at my max for the bench presses with dumbbells, but I'll get there if I keep working at it.

With everything that's been going on in my life lately, I don't feel all that positive, but I try to bring whatever positive energy I have here to share with you and at least find something small to celebrate. Hope you're having a good week! If I can, I'll try to post some new recipes soon. I know I'm planning to make my Eggplant Rollatini this week since I got some lovely eggplants in my produce box- if you haven't tried it, I'd definitely recommend it!

OZ Week 53 gain: 1.4 lbs continuing dose at 0.75mg
OZ Week 55 gain: 1.6 lbs
OZ Week 56 loss: 0.6 lbs
OZ Week 57 loss: 2.0 lbs
OZ Week 58 loss: 2.4 lbs
OZ Week 61 gain: 5.4 lbs
OZ Week 62 loss: 1.4 lbs
OZ Week 63 loss: 3.0 lbs
OZ Week 64 loss: 1.0 lb
OZ Week 65 loss: 0.4 lbs
OZ Week 66 loss: 1.8 lbs
OZ Week 67 loss: 0 lbs
OZ Week 68 loss: 1.4 lbs
OZ Week 69 gain: 0.2 lbs
OZ Week 70 gain: 2.2 lbs
OZ Week 71 loss: 2.4 lbs
OZ Week 72 loss: 2.2 lbs
OZ Week 73 loss: 2.2 lbs
OZ Week 74 loss: 1.0 lb
OZ Week 75 loss: 0.8 lb
OS Week 76 gain: 1.4 lbs
OZ Week 77 loss: 5.0 lbs
OZ Week 78 gain: 0.4 lbs
OZ Week 79 loss: 4.0 lbs
OZ Week 80-87: on hiatus due to grief
OZ Week 88 gain: 9.4 lbs
OZ Week 89 loss: 0.4 lbs raised dose to 0.85mg
OZ Week 90 loss: 1.8 lbs
OZ Week 91 loss: 5.2 lbs
OZ Week 92 gain: 0.6 lbs
OZ Week 93: no weigh in
OZ Week 94: gain: 2.2 lbs
OZ Week 95 loss: 1.0 lb
OZ Week 96 loss: 0.2 lb

Total loss on Ozempic so far: 83.4 lbs

Monday, September 2, 2024

Week 95 Weigh In

 Well, it's something at least. Not what I hoped for after that backwards rebound, but hey, down is down, right? It's really been a struggle, but I guess I'm living proof of all those theories about how hard it is to lose with cortisol.

That being said, hopefully it will be easier for me to keep my gym motivation, because my teenage son has decided he wants to go to the gym, too. He's not old enough to be there by himself, per gym rules, so if he wants to go, then I've got to go too. This past week was his first week and so I actually did manage to go 6 days last week but I'm getting a wee bit burnt out. I'm planning to do 5 days with him this week and maybe stabilize there. That was kind of why I was hoping for a larger loss this week, but I finally seem able to start lifting bigger weights again so maybe it's an increase in muscle that's frustrating the scale loss this week. I still haven't made it back to where I was before May, but I'm getting much closer and that can't be a bad thing.

I'd really like to build up some buffer though with the holidays coming... but that's still too far ahead for now. I've just got to stick with one day at a time if I'm going to make it through.

OZ Week 53 gain: 1.4 lbs continuing dose at 0.75mg
OZ Week 55 gain: 1.6 lbs
OZ Week 56 loss: 0.6 lbs
OZ Week 57 loss: 2.0 lbs
OZ Week 58 loss: 2.4 lbs
OZ Week 61 gain: 5.4 lbs
OZ Week 62 loss: 1.4 lbs
OZ Week 63 loss: 3.0 lbs
OZ Week 64 loss: 1.0 lb
OZ Week 65 loss: 0.4 lbs
OZ Week 66 loss: 1.8 lbs
OZ Week 67 loss: 0 lbs
OZ Week 68 loss: 1.4 lbs
OZ Week 69 gain: 0.2 lbs
OZ Week 70 gain: 2.2 lbs
OZ Week 71 loss: 2.4 lbs
OZ Week 72 loss: 2.2 lbs
OZ Week 73 loss: 2.2 lbs
OZ Week 74 loss: 1.0 lb
OZ Week 75 loss: 0.8 lb
OS Week 76 gain: 1.4 lbs
OZ Week 77 loss: 5.0 lbs
OZ Week 78 gain: 0.4 lbs
OZ Week 79 loss: 4.0 lbs
OZ Week 80-87: on hiatus due to grief
OZ Week 88 gain: 9.4 lbs
OZ Week 89 loss: 0.4 lbs raised dose to 0.85mg
OZ Week 90 loss: 1.8 lbs
OZ Week 91 loss: 5.2 lbs
OZ Week 92 gain: 0.6 lbs
OZ Week 93: no weigh in
OZ Week 94: gain: 2.2 lbs
OZ Week 95 loss: 1.0 lb

Total loss on Ozempic so far: 83.2 lbs