This is my journey to become a healthier me. It began on January 26, 2010 and stalled out... I got a type 2 diabetes diagnosis on March 30, 2022 and started to focus on my health again. On November 8, 2022 I added Ozempic to my toolbox to help me shed some pounds and inches!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Onwards and Upwards!

After tackling McDonalds yesterday, I took a shot at KFC today. My husband and I always make jokes about KFC because it has got to be the worst possible thing you can eat. When we were on our road trip in Indiana, we discovered that KFC actually has a buffet! We wondered if morgue service was included.

In the past, however, KFC's chicken bowl has always tempted me.

Mashed potatoes, fried chicken, corn, and cheese, swimming in gravy. Yum! Could there possibly be a way to make this NS friendly?

KFC Chicken Bowl:

1 pkg Cheesy Homestyle Potatoes
1/2 serving chicken
1/2 serving shredded cheese
1/4 cup corn
1/4 cup gravy
1 tbsp breadcrumbs

Prepare the Cheesy Homestyle Potatoes as normal and set aside. Cut your chicken into chunks and dip into Eggbeaters just to moisten, then dip into breadcrumbs. Fry with cooking spray or else use your favourite fat serving for a little extra flavour. Spoon the mashed potatoes into a bowl, top with chicken, corn, and cheese, and pour gravy on top. Enjoy!

This counts as your lunch entree, 1 dairy/protein serving, 1 veggie, and 2 free foods. I wouldn't eat it very often since you're combining your free foods plus using a starchy veggie, but if you are craving fast food it's a nice treat! As I mentioned in my last post- the NS dieticians have said that it is acceptable occasionally to substitute one serving of a starchy veggie for 2 veggie servings. Here I used half a corn serving so I counted it as one veggie. If you prefer, you can substitute out the corn for a different veggie like green beans and I am sure that would be delicious too!

One serving has 375 calories, 47g of carbs, 10g of fat, and a massive 27g of protein. It is very filling and delicious! Compare that to KFC's stats- 700 calories, 32g of fat, and 77g of carbs and enjoy this guilt free!


  1. How do you count the corn?
    i didn't think corn could be counted as a veggie

  2. To Anonymous 12:30

    Sorry- I mentioned this in the previous post with corn but I forget that people may be reading just one post!

    The NS dieticians have said that occasionally you may count a serving of a starchy veggie as 2 veggie servings. I used half a corn serving here so counted it as one veggie. This type of substitution is not something I would make a habit of but I think it is fine once in a while. If you aren't comfortable with it, please try something like green beans, which I am sure would also be yummy!

  3. I found your blog on a google search for 'favorite nutrisystem foods' and I have to say I really love your ideas and culinary creations! I've saved you as a favorite and will continue to check in here daily!
    I just placed my first order of NS, and I'm excited and nervous about it all at the same time. :)

  4. Hi Michelle- did anyone give you a promo code to reduce the cost of your order? If not and it hasn't shipped yet, send me an email at and I will send you one. You can call them to add it.

  5. Oh you're a peach - thanks, but I ordered through Costco, so I doubt additional discounts apply! I'm going to give this 35 days to begin with - and you've provided plenty of inspiration to improvise - so I just might make it! :) I've been reading through all your older posts - you really have a wonderful collection here!
