This is my journey to become a healthier me. It began on January 26, 2010 and stalled out... I got a type 2 diabetes diagnosis on March 30, 2022 and started to focus on my health again. On November 8, 2022 I added Ozempic to my toolbox to help me shed some pounds and inches!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Well, they say confession is good for the soul, right? Well, in this case, it's pretty embarrassing, too, so I hope something good comes of it.

I know that I've been backsliding lately. I haven't been as careful with what I'm eating and it hasn't bothered me as much. That may have contributed to my lower than usual losses lately or it may just be starting to slow down. I wasn't being ridiculous, just having slightly larger servings of things.

I've also been having ridiculous cravings for junk food. Earlier this week, it was Chinese. I managed to get over that one and made myself Chicken Lo Mein but with shrimp. To kill that sweet and sour craving I breaded a few shrimp with breadcrumbs and baked them and dipped them in a little sweet and sour sauce. I was really proud of myself for the way I handled that one.

Today was a really bad day. I'm sick and exhausted (my husband is out of town), my son is teething, and it's that time of the month. I could not stop thinking about PIZZA. Not the little NS pizzas- big, thick crust pizza dripping with cheese and garlic. I considered trying to fix an NS pizza that way and realized I'd be way over anyway if I did that since my favourite pizza has 4 cheeses on it. Finally, by the time I put my son to bed, I just gave in and ordered a pizza. And I ate it.

You know what? It didn't taste really good. The first bite was good but after that all I tasted was grease. And I still don't know why, but I ate it anyway, and now I feel really sick.

It was a really stupid thing to do. Not only for the obvious reason, but it was twenty dollars! You read about people complaining about the cost of NS food and a dinner is what, four bucks? I can't believe I wasted all that money!

But really- I have come too far to quit now. I need to recommit myself to NS because I know that it works. I mean, look at me! I've lost nearly 62lbs so far this year! And like I said in my previous posts, I don't want to abandon this blog and become another statistic.

So here is my confession, and my promise. I will NOT quit. My son needs his mother to be healthy and fit. And that pizza definitely wasn't worth it. I really feel like I need to throw up! Maybe I can treat this as aversion therapy?

I really considered not writing this post and pretending that it never happened. But it did, and I can either learn from the experience or be doomed to repeat it. I also (under all the shame and embarrassment) wanted to share it with you. I'm not perfect, and I make mistakes just like everyone else. If you have a moment like this in your weight loss journey, don't let it ruin everything for you. Tomorrow is a new day, and we just have to dust ourselves off and get back up with a smile.

Tomorrow is a new day. Back to basics. I can do this!


  1. Fays says...

    Maybe it's in the air! I had two muffins (on Monday and Tuesday) from my favorite restaurant. Each one is 500 calories!!!! I wish I didn't like they way they tasted but I know exactly how you feel about the pizza. I try to eat things now I used to love and they just gross me out.

    62 pounds is amazing! Don't get scared by the huge loss. You can do this! Your blog friends are right behind you.

  2. I found your blog via and have never commented, but I do read regularly. Don't beat yourself up about your little slip're human, you're hormonal, and it sounds like you've learned from the experience. You'll be back on track tomorrow! Just think of all those cute little bears you've earned - that's HUGE!!! Tomorrow is another day & will be a great one :)

  3. Thank you for your honesty. And thanks for not giving up on your journey or the blog. No pressure, but I really have come to depend on this blog for my encouragement. So keep it up!!

    Arlene in Spokane, WA

  4. Omg you are so strong in general to have made it this long..Most quit..and you share so much insight.. you are one of the reasons I keep going... I mean all of your recipes keep my food from being boring and in turn I don't cheat..

    I'm making the cheesy biscuits as we speak..and they craved so much of my salty tooth that I'm so satisifed and full when I'm done.

    We all have our days..and I know I will have a cheat day coming..but I won't overdue it... I can't... ...but when my hubby ordered two pizzas the other night ..I coulnd't resist..I had a slice..and a half...and felt satisisfied... and took the toppings off....

    so don't feel bad..honesty cleans the soul..jump back on ..and we are all here to support you...

    Kelley Woods

  5. I just found your blog, and have just ordered Nutrisystem. I have an almost 9 month old son and am just tired of being unhealthy and unfit. I am glad to see that you are human, and that a slip up doesn't mean the end of the program. I'll be starting next week (if my food arrives lol, long weekend and all that). And I was also craving pizza today lol, but didn't order it because my budget is spent for the week! Almost glad to be broke :) Good luck and hope to read more.

  6. I too read your blog reguarly - found you from the Nurtisystem boards. You are SO encouraging to me! You have done an amazing job and I look forward to your new posts and your weight changing on the bar - I have fell off the wagon and now recommited to Nutriststem faithfully. Thanks!

  7. Thanks for your honesty regarding falling off the plan. I just got back from 1 1/2 weeks vacation. Started out well with NS, but fell by the wayside with eating out with friends, crazings for pizza, etc. etc. Got home today, and figured it is what it is, tomorrow is another day, Monday is another work week, and I will get back on the program. You've done a great job, and it's good to have so much support and comraderie with other NS people!!
